DDoS Protection Across Its Global Network

Linode announced the availability of its DDoS protection service across its network for detection and mitigation of DDoS attacks.

Linode provides virtual private servers for hosting, object storage, and a managed Kubernetes service. The company has 11 data centers globally. It has faced Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks in the past, notably in 2016 when attackers used application-based and volumetric attacks against their webservers, nameservers, and network infrastructure. Since then, Linode has used various approaches including using Cloudflare for protecting their nameservers, increasing their network capacity, and now building their own DDoS mitigation infrastructure, which is based on Juniper and Corero.

how does ddos work?

DDoS attacks attempt to take down websites or services by flooding them with requests and data from multiple devices and locations. The increase in the number of vulnerable Internet-connected devices has led to large scale attacks like the one on Dyn using the Mirai botnet. Other attacks use misconfigured software like the one against GitHub. DDoS attacks can be volumetric, protocol-based or application-based.

Volumetric DDoS attacks attempt to fill up the targeted network's bandwidth, and can be triggered using a combination of common network protocols and address spoofing. In contrast, protocol attacks take advantage of weaknesses in network protocols - an example being the SYN flood attack. Application-layer attacks like Slowloris exploit specific weaknesses in how some applications work.


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