The Blockchain network seeks to ensure security by decentralizing data. They are distributed, encrypted and shared databases that store information about all transactions that occur between network users (CHICARINO et al. , 2017). All nodes in the network must contain the same information; in this way, when a new block is inserted, all nodes are updated to receive the new information and thus contain the same content again.

The blocks are structures that store the information contained in the network and are organized in a chain (WATTERS, 2016). Each block holds a reference to its previous one; in this way, it is possible to go through the entire chain until reaching block zero, also called block genesis. This block is coded by the software when the network is created and serves as the initial state of the system, keeping information about how the network should behave during its operation. Due to the chaining of the blocks, it is not possible for one of them to be changed without this being noticed by the others in the network. In order to make a change, it would be necessary to regenerate all the subsequent blocks of the chain, which in a large network would become unviable from a computational point of view.

Desktop Support Technician is known as one of the backbones of IT organization. They are also accountable for groundwork, installation, and maintenance of end user workstation equipment (laptops/ desktops) and additional peripherals including IP telephones.

Each block consists of two main parts: the header, where the block's identification information is stored, such as the hash [i] of the previous block and the nonce , and the transactions, which consist of grouping the data that is stored in the block.


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