Do you need more than one browser running on your PC? It is probable

Over the years and as the Internet has entered our lives, web browsers have gained in importance. So much so that at the moment we use them both on the desktop PC and on the mobile, in addition to being one of the first we run when we turn them on. What's more, on many occasions we have several browsers installed on the same computer, which is useful for some things.

It must be recognized that in these times and largely due to its enormous importance, we have a lot to choose from in this regard. What we mean by this is that we have at our fingertips a multitude of programs of this type, most of them, free. On the other hand we see that the differences between these browsers are sometimes almost non-existent, while others are obvious. This allows us to choose the proposal of this type that best suits our needs based on what we prefer to prioritize.

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Sometimes it can be security, in others privacy, resource consumption, web loading speed , etc. With everything and with this, many prefer to have several browsers installed at the same time on the PC , which can bring us some advantages. This is precisely what we will talk about next, about the advantages of using several browsers simultaneously.

Take advantage of each other's functions when we need them

As we mentioned before, the differences between some of these browsers are sometimes very important. In this way, by having several alternatives installed , we have the possibility of using the one that interests us the most each time. And it is that in some moments we are going to need a software as fast as possible, while in others we prioritize the security that it presents us.

Chrome security multiple browsers

Keep in mind that these programs do not take up much disk space , so having several instances will not be a great expense in this regard.

Perform tests to choose the favorite browser

It can also be the case that we are in the middle of the selection period, that is, we do not know which one we will use by default. Well, having two or three proposals installed at the same time will allow us to better measure and compare some important aspects. Here we refer to sections such as the loading of webs, the data that each one saves, the consumption of PC resources , etc.

In the case of being web developers

On the other hand, on the assumption that, whether in a professional or amateur way, we dedicate ourselves to the world of web development, having several browsers is almost essential. This, as you can imagine, allows us to test our projects in several of these programs and thus avoid bugs and failures when loading one or another proposal.

And it is that these applications do not always load the web page and online platforms in the same way, so it is advisable to do this.

Have another browser always working

In addition, browsers are not infallible, far from it, in fact they are prone to crashing when we need them most. The reasons for these performance problems can be quite varied. However, if we have several proposals installed on the computer, we will never be without connection . In addition to all this we add the data synchronization capabilities, which will be very helpful to access the history, passwords or saved credentials, open the browser that we open.


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