How mobile devices were vulnerable to the “Evil Emulator Farm” attack?

 Attackers attack the lowest fruits. Because not all banks keep up with the latest cybersecurity trends, hackers know that they can recycle the methods, technology and format of their attacks as they migrate from bank to bank.

Phishing and malware scams on infected devices allow hackers to harvest the account number and credentials of account holders. Combined with data about device specifications, such as make, model and operating system, this information is fed into emulators to successfully simulate a legitimate user and gain access. Emulators were also able to automate the flow of typical application interactions, intercepting SMS codes for authorization and, therefore, managing to obtain transaction approval to withdraw their funds from accounts.

A PC server repair technician will ensure that your business gets the server migration and repairs necessary to stay as functional as possible. Server hardware repair technicians assist carefully for both the servers and the backend systems, including data communication and voice communication.

How did SMS text messages contribute to this attack?

Although the use of a single password (OTP) for authentication via SMS is better than relying only on combinations of username and password, it is an obsolete form of authentication and can pose risks. SMS is an old technology and sent through public waves. It is neither secure nor designed to be encrypted and therefore can be easily intercepted. The equipment that fraudsters use to hijack SMS messages is inexpensive and readily available, and hackers can take advantage of databases full of collected data. In addition, a user may insert his or her OTP into a web page thinking that he or she is authenticating a genuine action, but instead is interacting with a phishing website. This lack of contextual information, when users don’t get the context for why a code is being generated,


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