How to develop a digital security plan?

 Get to know the assets and the business scenario

Before developing a digital security plan, it is necessary to know the assets, understanding the priority of the information and assets, which are the most critical and which support the organization's processes.

Asset mapping is the process of identifying and cataloging the company's physical and technological assets, evaluating: location, level of use, users who access and the useful life.

The purpose of asset mapping is to ensure that all stages of the digital security plan are successfully executed, and that the solutions and actions meet the demands of the company. Therefore, it must be done with a lot of discretion.

A data center technician should answer questions and take queries from various sources and provide them with the right information. Knowledge of technology requirements is one of the required skills for a data center technician. 

Map risks and develop a security policy

Then, it is necessary to map the security risks that the company has. The mapping needs to be very well executed, identifying the possible risks to reduce the impacts that they may generate.

The process needs to be carried out by an information technology professional who has theoretical knowledge in the area, guided by the ABNT NBR ISO / IEC27005: 2008 Standard.


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